City of Roseville
About Roseville
The cost of doing business in Roseville is consistently among the lowest in the state as the City operates its own utilities, public safety departments and parks. Business ventures in Roseville range from technology to healthcare, agriculture and financial services. However, its economic gem of retail draws in the crowds. Roseville’s retail sales rank 13th in the state, besting much larger cities in California. The regionally known Four Corners area generates about $700 million in retail sales annually with the expansive Westfield Galleria and Fountains at Roseville leading the way.
Success Stories

Medical Devices
Penumbra designs, develops, manufactures and markets cutting-edge medical devices and has 250,000+ sq. ft. of office, research and design space in Roseville.
Growing Industries
Health Care and Social Services
Accommodation and Food Services
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Connect with Roseville

For direct local assistance:
Melissa Anguiano
Economic Development Director
(916) 774-5284 | MVAnguiano@roseville.ca.us